Friday 7 May 2010


That's wind as in the kind that blows, so it's like windy (wooosh) kih-n-dee. Windykindy. And for some reason I'm swaying my head backwards and forwards like a snake.

So, what have I done today? I don't know, let me remember. I remember.
First thing this morning was Chemistry, and we were doing colourings. It would have been good if it was like colouring in things, but it was about food colourings. We didn't have food colourings though, so we did chromatography with those Berol felt tip pens. You draw a line on some chromatography paper in pencil, then do a dot (a reasonably sized one) along the line, dip the paper in water so that the water doesn't quite come up to the line, leave the paper in the water and watch. Basically the colours separate out as they go along, or stretch up the paper like those British Gas flame things. Cameron's did that. Mine went pretty colours and moved up the paper.
We were also talking about the election. At the start of the week I wasn't too bothered, but I spent most of today condemning the Tories.

We ended up going sort of group-like, sort of,
"Ew you Tory, don't like you, I'm staying with my Labour friends today." and outside maths, everyone was trying to see into the Sixth Form centre to watch the TV and find out who'd won.

In French, we did more boring translating. This time though, I incorporated some German, and started on my list of German Things To Say. Let me just find some of them. Ah, here's two of my favourites (remember this is roughly translated);
"Hast du nicht lieben fur mich?" and
"Aufweckst du mich." I'm not telling you what they mean. My favourite I've decided not to put on here, even though it was actually an example in a dictionary - the Collins German Dictionary; Complete and Unabridged. It was massive. One of the examples in it was,
"Jesus was made out to be a Communist." oh fine! I've decided I'll put my favourite one on here, which I only saw by chance while flicking through.
"Sie geilt die Manner auf." It's quite funny.

I felt kind of sorry for our cover teacher in German today. I don't know what his name is, but he's normally our Design teacher. We'd all been waiting for him to arrive, just having a chat. Then he walked in and everyone burst out laughing. None of us were sure why. Spent the rest of the lesson doing my work, arguing about politics with Chloe, Meghann and Zoe, and telling Ryan that he was Konrad from the first page of Unit 5; Meine Familie to annoy him.

At lunchtime, me and Chloe chilled in her form room again. At one point I think Chloe threw a carrot stick out of the window. It didn't hit anyone, but then she accidentally threw a cucumber slice at me. I think it was accidental anyway.
We got bored after a bit, so I wrote a nice message and threw it out of the window. It said,
"To you, JESUS is the light of the WORLD. FOLLOW HIM UNTO THE LIGHT! Love your favourite priest xxx" I'm not sure who the favourite priest is. Is it the Pope? Or is he like too important to be a priest?

Period four wasssss HISTORY. I remember. History. We were doing the Treaty of Versailles AGAIN. But we're nearly finished with the Treaty. We're doing an assessment on it now, and I've pretty much finished mine anyway. Sexton went through the questions with us in the lesson, and told us what we needed to do to get more marks.

Period five was Maths. Eurgh. That is what Maths is. Eurgh. We were doing about percentage increase and decrease questions. It eventually turned into a discussion about house prices and the average wage after I pointed out that £95,000 was strangely cheap for a house. Ferneyhough has realised that while he expects high standards from us, we expect much higher standards from him. We can be a very difficult set at times.

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