Saturday 8 May 2010


I have been reading Tintin again. I'm currently reading the Tintin's Moon Adventure one, that has Destination Moon and Explorers on the Moon. I forgot just how funny Captain Haddock is. And I never realised quite how xenophobic he is either.

I haven't been up to much today. Mum went out to her Spanish lessons and I've been lounging around. Had some soup for lunch - I very nearly did it all by myself, I jsut need to get the knack of opening the tricky little tin by its ring pull, because I'm not good with can openers.

I think me and Mum are going to bake some cakes later, and then tonight we're going to see that Four Lions film - you know, the controversial one about terrorists. I've heard clips and they're quite funny.

In other news, I'm wearing actual proper tights for the first time since I was about five. Proper ones with feet in. It feels strange, like I'm wearing socks but not wearing socks.

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