Wednesday 5 May 2010

Wed Nes Day

I was back back back at school again. I felt like crying though this morning when I realised I'd make it into school. I had such a relaxing day yesterday!!!

So in school was alright really. Same as normal. Warren was wrestling Alfred in the form room (Alfred said he won but Warren had him pinned down for ages).
Then it was House Assembly, and Mrs Hathaway (there's two, so it's for possible future reference) was giving us a talk about how we are lucky to have a House system. I just kept thinking of the Yorkshire Zulu. White Rose, White Rose! White Rose, White Rose! Oh, it's funny. I don't know what it's got to do with House systems though.

Then in Chemistry we were supposed to be looking at emulsions - namely milk. We were meant to be tasting them before we looked at them under the microscope, but they suddenly looked all wrong and nasty. I stuck to playing with the microscope to make it work properly.

In History we had some woman coming for an interview teaching us. She told me off for trying to fix my pen. But then apparently while Sexton's off on maternity leave we'll have either Moustache Jones (deputy head guy) or Big P (the headmaster) for History from half term this year to Christmas in Year 10. AAARGH PLEASE NOT BIG P!!!

Maths was sort of confusing as usual, but I did some circle things and sort of understood what I was doing, which is progress. If I completely understand something, the moment someone asks me to explain it I'll forget what it is.

In German Bok made us do our end of unit tests in the space of ten minutes. I think I did alright with mine. One of my favourite German phrases is 'Was kaufst du damit?' Even when the robot woman on the recordings for the listening exercises says it, it sounds a bit like she's angry.

Then last of all, we had Art. We've finished our Nina - ahem, Monet or whatever projects, so we were told to go back to what we'd been doing before Bennett pointlessly tore us away from our personal Art projects. I'm doing surreal monstery things, so I drew this picture:
as you can see it's Steve the Ocean Man. He's moonwalking. Yeaaaahhh.

So um, that's pretty much it. Oh, and I'm wearing my golden leopardy socks today.

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