Tuesday 4 May 2010

Ok . . I was off again

I believe I mentioned that I had a migraine yesterday? Had another one today.
I woke up feeling a bit out of it, but then I always do. Wasn't feeling any better by the time I got downstairs, so I had some pills before I went to school.
School wasn't that much better - even though they knew I had a migraine, and I don't blame them for it, because I was just trying to stay out of the way, but everyone kept being loud. Warren gave me a head massage (he likes to give people head massages. He fancies himself a hairdresser) and made me have one of his Capri-Suns. Denny asked if I'd had any paracetomol (is that how you spell it? I'm not too accustomed to talking about drugs using their proper names) and then Sarah gave me another head massage.
By the time we went to period one - Physics - I wasn't feeling any better. It was getting worse. I sat at one end of the room with Chloe and got down to some work on isotopes and half-lives of really old bits of uranium. Something like that. Zoe said that Toy Story is not a masterpiece. Pfft.

So at break I really wasn't doing too well with the lights and loud noises, so I went to the office and waited there until Mum came to get me. Zen I went home and spent the rest of today wearing my hoodie and red sunglasses again, with all the blinds in the living room pulled shut. Mum thinks I'm turning into a vampire.

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