Monday 3 May 2010


Do you like my word? It's one of those words you can apply to several different contexts. The only problem is that I'm not sure what those contexts are yet.

Sooooooo, today me and Chloe went to the Trafford Centre to do some shopping. I was going to buy a skirt, but I couldn't find a good one, and I saw a cool top in H&M that had a funny face on it, but I talked myself out of buying it since I have to save up for Japan.
Since Chloe's parents were there too, to take her little borther to the cinemas, we met up for lunch and I had a jacket potato. Hahahaha spud. That's a funny word.

After that we went to book tickets for the cinema ourselves - we went to see Kick Ass. But since it's a 15 certificate, we were a little worried about if we'd be asked for ID (I've been asked for ID before - what kind of ID would a 15 year old have? 'Cuz nobody randomly walks round with their passport, right? And a 15 year old doesn't have a driver's licence) even though both of us have gotten into 15s easily. The woman at the desk did ask us, but we got past alot smoother than I was imagining. Chloe actually will be 15 this year, and she forgot that she had to change the month of her birthday instead of the year (I did though - 4/1/199'5') because I don't think either of us could have passed for 16.

When that was finished we all went home and I was dropped off back at mine. By this point I'd noticed a blurred C shape in my vision that appeared when I tried to focus. At first I thought I was going blind, but when the throbbing pain set in I realised it was just a migraine.
Had some pills, had a lie down (I hate doing that, it's so boring) and now, apart from a slight aversion to light which has made me wear my red sunglasses again, I'm fine.

Oh and my socks today are black, but they have white hearts on them and then two pink ones on my ankles. I really don't know why I talk about my socks but I like to.

Forgot to mention, me and Chloe went in John Lewis and tried out the sofas. I sat on one and the seat bit moved.

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