Sunday 2 May 2010

I Can't Feel My Fingers

Seriously, I can't. My room was really hot so I opened a window and turned the fan on. Now I'm quite cold but I can't be bothered turning it off.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, there was seriously nothing to talk about. I was thinking and thinking like, 'Come on, talk about something!!!' but my mind went completely blank. So I'm here today instead.

Tomorrow I'm going out shopping with my mate Chloe. I'm not going to be spending that much because I need to save up for the Japan trip - not to mention the Year 9 Alton Towers reward trip we're meant to be going on shortly before the end of the year. I'm just going to buy one or two things, and then I'm going to lock my purse, even though the pound is strogner than the yen at the moment - I checked on my little thingy I have on my desktop background thing.

There, I put a jacket on. I feel a bit warmer now. I might go downstairs and have lunch in a bit. I'm hungry.

Now, there's actually been a long pause between this paragraph and the last one, because after I finished that sentence, my phone went because Mum had made us some dinner; cheese on toast, to be specific. So we were eating our cheese on toast and watching Porco Rosso, a Studio Ghibli film about this sea plane pilot who's also a pig. Strangely enough, nobody really finds the idea of him being a pig-man the slightest bit strange.

Coldplay are on the radio. Nothing like a bit of greasy-hatted crooning to make you feel depressed.

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