Sunday 9 May 2010

Sparkles and sparkles and sparkles

The sparkles in question are on my toenails. They are now bright, blood red and glittery. I really can't keep myself away from shiny things. I might go and live in a house made of tin foil and filled with gaudy jewellery, precious gemstones and sequins. I'd probably buy a pet rat if it was shiny and silver.

So anyway, we didn't go to see Four Lions yesterday. Mum says we might go on Orange Wednesdays instead. Still, I watched Battle Royale on youtube. Chilling stuff, but very well done. Tatsuya Fujiwara is good at crying over dead people - even though in Death Note it was him who killed his girlfriend, even if it didn't look like it.

So yesterday, me and Mum made cakes. Little lovely chocolatey cakes, full of chocolate and little Jordan's Frusli bars bits.

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