Monday 10 May 2010

boring boreingboreds

I am bored. Quite so, as it happens. Very bored.

This morning . . . first period was RS. We talked about morals again. We were saying if, when you have to save some people, is it fair to save only people from your own country? Like if you're trapped in a burning room with someone who's the same age, gender, mental and athletic ability as you but French, what makes them more worth saving? Well what makes us more worth saving if we're the same as them?

Second period was Design, and someone pushed the teacher. This teacher incidentally (I don't know his name) has now decided that whenever something isn't where he thinks it should be, one of us has stolen it. He put the projector remote down on the side and two minutes later was going round shouting,
"WHICH OF YOU STOLE MY REMOTE? WHERE IS IT, I WANT IT NOW!" He needs to take a chill pill. We're not all scallies like the papers would have you believe.

Third period was Dance - well, it was Rounders again. We were out in the freezing cold and the rain, and since we have to wear the summer stuff now, I got so cold that my arms ached and my hand went red and purple. They are so mean to us - why couldn't we have played unihoc in the sports hall? That gives you more exercise.

Lunchtime was boring. We got locked out of the form room by Astronomy guy. He has very squeaky shoes, that make a loud noise when he moves, which can be very annoying when he's walking round the room you're in when you're trying to do a GCSE exam.

Fourth period was Geography. More boring stuff, apart from when Hannah got angry when I reminded her of the time when I drew a moustache on the poster in the back of her planner in Year 7. She wouldn't have known if the pen hadn't shone in the light.

Fifth period was English. I got sent to sit on the other side of the room for talking quietly and helping Chloe - LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE WAS DOING. We're writing stupid Gothic stories. I bet it's going to be our assessment.

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