Friday 30 April 2010

Easy Day

We had an easy day at school today. There was a CCF field day, so loads of people were gone. Usually, just the Army section go since it's harder for the RAF section to get places on the planes, but they went off orienteering while the Army were all camping in some field overnight.

In Geography, we just did colouring in maps and making posters about the football World Cup. Not anything interesting - well, it is Geography. What do you expect?
In French, we were going to go to the Language Lab since it was our slot (essentially it just means watching the Incredibles in French, as I believe I've mentioned) but one of the other classes robbed us!! AAAARGH!!! So we went back downstairs, because Crane (he's the French teacher. Saying the teacehr confuses me) was going to put it on the projector, but that didn't work so he streamed some TV off the internet. We ended up watching a strangely funny episode of In the Night Garden - has anyone else noticed that Upsy Daisy's hair stands up when she's surprised? I wowed everyone with my knowledge of the character names;

In German we did some work, but not really that much. We talked about who was or wasn't taking German next year for a bit, then Bok (the German teacher) put that Jacob 2/2 show on. But in German. There was a guy dressed as Bo Peep on it.

At lunchtime, me and Chloe chilled in her form room again. Then after a bit, Saskia, Rosa, Paddy and Caolan came in. They were playing catch with a tennis ball, which Caolan decided to throw at the clock for some reason. It hit and the clock fell behind the lockers really loudly, so we all legged it as the two prefects outside came in.

Then in Music we were meant to be learning how to play Trenchtown Rock on Easynotes (when it's slowed down, the bass guitar section sounds like a funeral march) but Smith (normally it's Goodwin, but he's in Austria. I'm not sure why - it's something to do with Black Dykes) seemed to have given up after I informed her that none of us could read music. Ok, Hannah can - she plays a Euphonium, which she told me is like a clarinet or something - but she wasn't complaining. So I put Bob Marley on in my headphones and started reading this coolio new manga I found, called Battle Royale. Apparently when it was first released it was quite controversial.

In Maths, Ferneyhough put maths games on the board for us again, and we ended up playing countdown. I didn't get any of them. According to Chloe, in her set they got Rogers (their teacher) into a discussion on AIDS.

That's all for now.

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