Tuesday 11 May 2010


Which of course means clouds. Outside, the sky's blue, but there's this random black cloud floating about. It's not even that big a cloud. It looks like a guy smoking a pipe.

Again, didn't do much today. We started doing about the Universe in Physics, and I was surprised to see how many people didn't know the name of the Hubble Telescope. It's been on the Simpsons.
In English, Pegum was back - which of course meant she made us do more cutting and sticking work, but I still managed to get some real work done on my Gothic story. Then we watched more of The Woman In Black, and it was quite creepy, because there was an invisible kid running around and laughing at the guy, and he went running about like a crazy man.
In Maths we did bearings, which I don't understand at all. I don't even get the point of them - Ferneyhough says it's for directions, but people manage to find their way to places without whipping out their protractor and compasses most of the time. Bearings are the mathematics of 19th century sailors.

Didn't do much at lunch time except tell Chloe off for spending 15 minutes washing her hands and then moaning that her hands were slimy and washing them again. She's turning into a germophobe.
In PE we did Tennis again. I managed to serve it properly a few times, but I did some spectacular misses, which was alright since me and Chloe were playing Alex and Sara, who were trying to double serve it, by Sara hitting the ball to Alex who tried to catapult it backwards over her head at us. And then it rained and my hands went purple because I was cold.
We had a farming competition in Biology. Me, Chloe and Cameron were Farm B (we wanted to be Farmer Bs, but Reedy didn't heard us right) after Cameron tried to get our farm to be called Cameron. We were supposed to be growing sweet potatoes, and we had to pick five different things off a list to do to our crops to enhance them. Then Reedy told us different situations and we had to add or take off potatoes. We wanted to lose originally, but about halfway through we decided we didn't, so it was quite good when we only came second to last. Neither myself, Chloe or Cameron like sweet potatoes.

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