Sunday 25 April 2010

Sheepy Magna

Sorry I didn't do a post yesterday - I forgot. Oh, maybe I shouldn't have told you - you know, because in dancing when they get a move wrong, they just carry on so nobody notices.

I was in Bosworth with my grandma, Lucy. It looks exactly the same as all the other times I've been there, except now there's a flatscreen TV. But that might have been there last time. I don't know.
I tried to play chess with Lily this morning, but she was paying more attention to the TV - though of course I can't blame her for finding how to put plants in old shoes more exciting than chess.
She's drinking warm milk right now. Like what babies have. I can't help but find it incredibly repulsive. It's just weird.

Ooh, just watched the newest Doctor Who episode. They said the Dalek one was the 'defining episode of Matt Smith' somewhere, but it wasn't. I liked this one though, the one with the Weeping Angels.
I won't say what happened just in case anyone ever reads this who hasn't seen it (in which case you'd probably be outside the UK, which would be amazing) but I do like the Weeping Angels. Vair good.

Hmm . . . I'm gonna go now, I'm watching some films.

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