Monday 26 April 2010


It should be called moonday. And the moon is out all day.
It was all cloudy before, but now it's nice and sunny. A really bright blue, the kind you get when you go above the clouds in a plane and remember that the sun does shine, albeit very invisibly sometimes.

I had this weird - well, I was awake so it wasn't a dream really - thing last night. I was lying there, and you know when your hair moves and it feels like there's something on it? Well I got that, and then I felt my hair and it was all tangled so I thought there was a spider web on it, so I shook my head for ages to get the spider off and then I just sat up for a while, because I thought there were spiders under my pillow and I didn't to touch it because the spiders would go and me and they'd go in my mouth.

Yet again, I didn't get up to much today. First lesson was RS. We had a test - quite an easy one really, since the teacher hadn't wanted to give us one but got forced by the headteacher, so he's already gone through all the questions with us in previous lessons. OOH THE MOON IS LOW!! I CAN SEE IT OVER THE ROOF OF THE HOUSE ACROSS FROM ME!! That's really low. And it's still really daytimey - shouldn't it be asleep? Or on the other side of the planet?

Didn't do much in Design. We're supposed to be making pop-up toys, but I can't use a saw on a straight line, let alone cutting out interesting shapes. There was some weird box that a sixth former had probably made, with a really cool guy who looked like a Storm Trooper, and 'CAPRICA' written over his head. I'm not sure what the thing was, but it looked good.

In Dance we did rounders. Unfortunately our normal teacher wasn't in, so we had our Physics teacher, who left the playing to us, since she didn't know the rules. When I went up, the bowler from the other team threw the ball at my body (which is a no-ball) so I didn't move - except to get out of the way of the ball. So then half their team marched over and started having a go at the teacher. When we persuaded her that I deserved another go, the next bowler told me I was out because he threw the ball and I wasn't there. You don't throw the ball when there isn't a batter there. But then they threw the ball, I hit it a long way and ended up getting a rounder and a half for my team. And Meghann and Sarah tackled me to the ground as a thank you present when I'd got all the way round.
The game kind of deteriorated (did I say that right? I always get confused with it) after we'd all finished batting. The other team were messing about and had thrown both balls we used over the fence, and nobody went to get another one. We tried to get them to play, but they wouldn't so we all sat around for a bit. Then me, Saskia, Georgie and Rosa found a big worm in the grass. We tried to pick it up with the rounders bats but that didn't work. Rosa found a stick to take it to 'somewhere safe' - this ended up with her throwing the worm about ten feet in the air, which I'm imagining is going to leave more than a few bruises.

At lunch time there was a mouse on the ground floor of the Science Block. I'd been upstairs in Chloe's form room eating my lunch, and we saw out of the window that there was this massive crowd of people gathering round by the doors. Assuming that it was a fight, I went down to look and see if it was anyone I knew. Then there were all people pointing at the floor and making gagging noises, so I looked down and saw it - I thought it was moving dust though, until I saw its tail. It wasn't actually that big, about as big as one of those sugar mice things, and was really dark grey. I felt quite sorry for it really. If there hadn't been a massive crowd about, and my skin was impervious to bites, and I was immune to tetanus and rabies, I'd have probably picked it up, the poor thing. Next time I saw it, it was huddled in a corner with its head facing the wall, shaking a bit. That's the first time I've seen a real live mouse for real.

Geography was boring. Just some stuff about football.
In English I carried on reading that Into The Shadows book, by Brent Weeks. I've nearly finished it now.

That's pretty much it - except for my socks. I've decided I shall tell you about my socks as often as I remember to. Today they're same brand, different species odd socks. They're both black ones with the animal patterns on the bottom, but my left foot is a tiger and my right foot is a leopard. Now I'll be able to hop really fast on one foot.

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