Friday 23 April 2010

OMFG!! It's Friday!!

That's 'flipping' for those of you who think that I'm a foulmouthed heathen - and is it good that your dirty minds immediately think of that when I say OMFG? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Hmm. Not much of a sock update, cuz they're just plain black today.
Ooh, just noticed something. Because my clock-radio thingy has gone all weird where it only works at a certain volume (quite loud). And sometimes, the connection goes in such a way where if I go to a certain place in my room it does this loud buzzing noise. If I lift my left leg right up now . . . . yes. It sounds like a fart through a Darth Vadar voice changer. I've had to roll across the floor when I'm getting dressed sometimes so I can listen to it without the buzzing.

Chloe and Meghann weren't in today. I was left all on my own! Oh, my radio's doing the white noise sound now. It's gone. ANYWAY, I was by myself, tired and bored today.
Did some stuff about how you harden vegetable oils to make stuff like Bertolli (if you're sad enough to be genuinely interested, you add hydrogen) and double bonds and things.
Period two was French . . . didn't do much then either, but I found out that my mate Mariam can make sort of origami roses out of long ribbons. In German, vi ar (oh, that's Swedish, but it's the closest I can get to an accent in written words) doing zer Taschengeld, und der Nominativ und Akkusativ cases, eg:
Issy geht in den Friseursalon (Issy is going/goes to the hairdressers). This is accusative, because there is movement - I am going somewhere.
Issy ist in der Friseursalon (Issy is in the hairdressers). This is nominative, because there is no movement - I am already there.

In History we got put into 5 groups to re-enact the Peace Conference at the end of World War 1, except we let Germany come to ours. My group - me, Henry, Mariam, Nairah and Danial, were Britain. We all had to say who or what we blamed for the war, if it could have been prevented, and if people were to blame, how they should be punished. The general consensus in the end was that we all liked Germany more than Italy. That could have been the entertainment value provided by Sarah's German accent - though as Cameron (Team Italy) pointed out, it was a French accent. Italy just moaned about how we'd promised them land, and how it wasn't fair that they were being criticized after helping us. They kind of got shouted down though when everyone started calling them glory hunters. Britain came at the end, and Henry did our speech. He went round every single table/country, having a go at everyone ("Not you, France, you're all right") until he got to Germany and called them disgraceful, and Saskia said his mum was disgraceful. At least it broke up the tension between Germany and Italy; they were having an incresingly heated mini-debate.
In maths, the teacher was making us do revison. Proper revision. We only did Pythagoras' Theorem and Trogonometry today, but I kind of understood what was going on, which could be a good or bad thing.

In other news, I'm about 10 votes off the top 15 in the Fashion Show. 4 days and some hours until this week's winners are revealed, and I have 45 votes.
That's all for today, I suppose. Unless a meteor lands close by, just far away enough that my house isn't damaged.

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