Thursday 22 April 2010


Yet again, another random title. Relevant titles are soooooo last week.
Hmm, what to say, what to say . . . I'm updating this from my Nana's house! A different bed to rest my tired feet upon!
Not much happened in Food Tech. Next lesson (two weeks from now) we have to bring in our ingredients and do the ASSESSMENT PRACTICAL!!! We all picked a country and researched it - surprise surprise, I chose Japan. I'm going to do Gyudon (beef on rice) since it was all I could find out of the recipes I'd compiled that I was sure could be prepared within an hour, even with my under-pressure violence. Trust me, it's not pretty. My temper goes onto a hair trigger, which generally isn't good when I'm carrying a knife and a bowl of hot water. Just my luck then that the guy who works on the station next to me is really good at it. I think he sleeps in the fridge at his house. He's probably even made of food - his only weakness is my extraordinary skill at slicing up raw meat. I am the epic slicer of raw chickens.
Nothing much in French. Me and chloe embarrassed ourselves because I made us go up to the front to show everyone our presentation on how to make comparisons in French. I just held up a sign that said 'PLUS' on one side and 'MOINS' on the other. Our problem was that we'd made this beautiful sign, but didn't have a presentation to go with it. I just wanted to show everyone the sign.
English . . . . zzzzzzzzzz. We've just started reading The Woman In Black by Susan Hill. I read ahead so I could at least finish the book before the teacher and her dreaded constant talking could get to me. then we watched the start of a performance of it, which of course she talked through. I'm starting to wonder if she even needs to pause for breath in between the talking and trying to stress us out by making the constant assessments sound five times harder than they already are. She needs to use smaller words. Oh, and in other English news, I told Rachel who sits behind me what inclement meant. Actually, for a long time I was sure it was something to do with oranges.

Lunchtime was quite relaxed. Me and Chloe have managed to pick spots that stay football-free for at least half of lunch. Keiley joined us for a bit, and we asked her if she was a Mic-Jagger-naut (see Bowie, by Flight of the Conchords) and started singing,
"Do you smoke weed out in space Bowie, or do you smoke astroturf?" again, watch Bowie.

Period four was IT. We're doing some crazy thing where we're pretending to be trainee producers for NET FM (which as I found out off the example business card in the instructions, is broadcast from Cheshire). We had to make logos today, and I was quite pleased with mine. It was a bright blue background, and hot pink writing saying NET and then this funky silver writing saying FM. And then I put these pictures in it:
Ok, these clearly aren't the type of thing you'd have in a classy logo, but I bring my own level of class to everything. Plus I needed something which took an hour - which was finding the modify thing to turn Madonna upside down, Ian Brown sideways, adjusting the eraser size so I could do the tricky bits when I rubbed out their backgrounds and showing Chloe where the rectangle tool was. If you consider that our previous GCSE IT syllabus involved learning to use Publisher, I'm
sure you can see that the standards we have to live up to aren't too high.
That's all for now.
Oh, quick sock update!! They're my black sparkly leopard socks today. But it's kind of outdone by the bright blue tights and purple tutu. Ooh, the fingers of my left hand are icy cold and I didn't realise until just now when I touched my arm and made myself jump.

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