Tuesday 27 April 2010

You're My Wife Now

My wife says there is a block in your toilet, Dave.

As you can probably tell, I've been watching more of the League of Gentlemen. Just watched the Papa Lazarou one. I might dress up as him, you know, for Hallowe'en. It's either him, Pee Wee Herman or a carton of milk.

Ooh, what have I been up to today? Nothing in Physics. That was rubbish - I couldn't log onto the computer so I helped Chloe with her work. I admit that was more making the Powerpoint pretty and coming to an amazing realisation - which I shall tell you about later.
English was . . . ok. We watched more of the film of The Woman In Black. There was this bit where he was on the moors and he turned round, and SHE WAS THERE!! And it zoomed in on her face and her eyes were all freaky like this:
And she started walking toward him so he legged it inside the old house. I read the book really really quickly (I just read the scary bits) so I know what happens now. No more of this suspense rubbish. She's got a cool hat though.

In maths we did some ridiculously hard sums. I'm not kidding, the teacher just put stuff on the board like 25x3-41+45% /6789+34x2-98 and said,
"If Year 8 can do it, you can do it." I couldn't. I just got confused. Then he made us do this square thing, where there were eight boxes making a square, and at the right end of the top row it said = 18, at the bottom row it said = -2, on the underneath of that one it said =0 and on the underneath of the bottom left square it said =13. We had to use all the numbers of 1 - 8 only once each to make the answers work. I nearly had it, but the teacher wouldn't let me put a 9 in.

At lunchtime, me, Chloe, Sara, Alex, Kymalee and Warren played tig. I am the queen of tig - if I do say so myself. I only got tigged once, and that lasted 10 seconds. The ground was base, so we were sitting down really quickly when the person who was it came at us. My shoes came off on the grass while I was running, so I went back to pick them up while Warren was it. He was just suddenly really close, and I dived (I tripped over my own feet) and went flying about two feet across the ground out of his way. And hurt my hip.

We did tennis in PE. I hate tennis with a passion. I have tried to learn to play it, but it's one of those things that just don't work for me. I've essentially reverted to giving it a bit of a go, but just hitting it as far as I can. Not even serving, because I miss the ball. the teacher saw me being pathetic and tried to help me - and I'd already told her it wasn't any use, so I went quite childish and stubborn and was purposely rubbish. The thing is though, whenever you try to prove something, it goes wrong. All the rest of the time, I'd been terrible, but when the teacher threw me the ball I hit it every time. I'm not being enthusiastic about it though - I'd rather snip off my eyelids and stare at the sun than watch tennis. It's insanely boring.

In Biology we were doing about sexual and asexual reproduction. We learnt that only a few people can't roll their tongues, and only a few people in my class have widow's peaks, and they were all boys (and still are, in case it sounds like I've given them a brutal sex change). And also, we found out having attatched earlobes were recessive, and so was a cleft chin - well, it's a bum chin really - and Meghann has both of them.
I also found out that Komodo Dragons are alot bigger than I thought they were. I thought that without their tails they were like a metre long, but apparently they're like three or four metres long or something like that. Like bigger than me. That's crazy.

And now, for my life-changing revelation that I mentioned to you earlier!! Do a drumroll on your desk or whatever you're sitting at - your lap maybe, or someone else's lap (ask them first though). I was thinking that there must be three holy trinities, and I only knew two of them; sex,drugs and rock'n'roll, and the father, the son and the holy spirit. So today, after telling Chloe about this thing my Mum told me (about that guy who gets Terry's All Gold, a Frankenstein mask and some Grrr aftershave for Christmas) I realised what the third is, and made the ULTIMATE TRINITY!! It is:
Sex, Frankinsense and the Holy spirit
See? Right, right? Am I right?

I'd give you a sock update but I'm not wearin any socks right now, and I can't remember what the ones I was wearing before look like.
Also, is it just me, or do other people get a mortal fear of being shot whenever a car goes past?

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