Thursday 29 April 2010

Black Sheeps

Things to say and talk about . . . erm . . .

First period today was Biology. We did about cloning today, more specifically about Dolly the sheep. We had to get into pairs and do a 'news report' on Dolly and what fusion cloning was. I went over to Chloe's table to do ours. We were going to be BBC news (I was Sian Williams, she was Bill Turnbull) but it lost some of the news report sincerity when I started writing cloned sheep in capital letters, so that Chloe had to shout them. After a while me, Chloe and Cameron just ended up making up bad (terrible) sheep puns. I don't think they were puns really. Just weird stuff.
Just a sec, I feel like there's ice cream all over my face. There isn't - FOOLED YOU HAHAHAHA!! Anywaayyyy . . .
Then we had French. The teacher gave out these vocabulary notebook things and I of course had one, what with my obsession with collecting them. I wrote some cool stuff on the front - I think I have it here;

On Chloe's I drew little versions of this guy, but dressed as different fruits - a pineapple, a banana, a lime and a strawberry if you're interested.

Then in English, we watched some more of The Woman In Black. No more good scary bits yet though, even though we asked to just watch the interesting bits.

At lunchtime, me and Chloe ate in her form room. Nobody else came in there for ages, and then suddenly two caretaker guys walked in carrying those huge notice boards with blue felt on them so you can stick pins in them. We watched in silence, a bit confused as they drilled into the wall, just occasionally pulling faces (us not the caretakers). Then two more guys came in and started messing with the computer! So I grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote 'Dear Person, Please Save Us, Lots of Love Issy and Chloe xxx' and threw it out of the window. It was picked up by Denny, Paddy, Caolan and Musa, who laughed. We tried to write them another message (We are hostages of the guy people - they have massive drills. That last bit was Chloe) and threw that out of the window, but it got stuck on the windowsill outside. We tapped at the glass and after about five minutes it fell off though. Caolan and Musa turned up at the classroom door, muttered,
"You lied!" and shuffled off somewhere. They won't have taken it seriously, because from what I've seen of hostage programs, they generally shoot you before you have time to write a message and throw it out of the window while laughing and waving like idiots.

Then the whole afternoon was Games. Time for Badminton. I don't generally like Badminton - in fact, I think I may have mentioned hating it once - but today I was quite good at it, and I was having a good time. Mind you, I take myself alot less seriously than I did last year, so I'm not bothered about missing the shuttlecock when it goes somewhere really easy for me to hit. Chloe was on form too, so we won alot of our games. I think we won all of them, but at some point in one of our matches the score changed from 5-2 to us to 9-4 to the other team.

And zere you 'ave eet. Zat vas meine day, und zees ees zer langvage uff European. Nicht Franje, nicht Deutsch, nicht Spensh, bat a meextoore uff awl sree.
Socks today are leopards. They look like the other leopard ones, but the patch is dark brown, with black circly things with white and gold bits in the middle. I'm not sure . . .

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