Sunday 18 April 2010


Just a quick update on my previous post today. I'm at my Nana's house now, and on the way here, me and Mum noticed that the car had accumulated alot of dust since last night's trip to get a takeaway. Black dust, to be precise. Also, because the sky is starting to look a little bit weird, and my eyes feel like there's stuff in them (better now, because I just washed them). As well, the air tastes weird and I'm thirsty. And I can normally go a while without a drink, and I had a glass of water about an hour ago. It's the Ash, I tell you!
Mum reckons it's going to be like Day of the Triffids. It could be, but everyone's just going to get out of breath with their volcanic-ash-related respiratory problems after running a short distance, as opposed to being blind and easily tricked by evil nuns and disguised comedians.

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