Monday 19 April 2010

Didn't Know How Much I Missed You Until You Were Goooooonnnneeee!!

I couldn't think of a title, so I typed in the chorus of a song that was playing. Please note, that's a stretched out 'Gone', not 'Goon'. I had a similar problem several years ago when I drew a picture of someone screaming, and someone asked,
"Why are they saying A, A, A, A, A, A?" I suppose I was in Year 3 at the time.

I think I might have volcanic-ash-itis. My throat is all gritty, and my nose has started running. It is highly unlikely to be hayfever since I don't suffer from it, and the only time I've been outside today is on the way to and from school. And my eyes aren't itching.
Ooh, there's a kind of yellowy cloud outside. No, it's grey. It looks a bit yellow though.

What shall I tell you about today? I know! I'll tell you about what I told Henry to freak him out.
We were discussing injections, and I told him that all the Year 9 boys were going to have to have a vaccine for prostate cancer at some point. And that vaccine would be injected into the prostate. And because having just some random doctor guy inject you, you have to get your dad to inject you - dads have seen it all before, right? He asked why we had had our HPV vaccines in our arms, and I told him girls have prostate glands in their arms.
He's smart, so I'm sincerely hoping he doesn't actually believe this. He looked kind of pale when I told him, and quite blank as well, so I couldn't be sure.

I've got sparkly socks on. They're like normal black socks, but on the bottom they have this cool leopard print pattern on them and it's all sparkly. I also have tiger, zebra and some other leopard ones. Possibly cheetah ones too.

OMIGOSH I JUST REALISED. Silly me. It's been cloudy all day, and I looked out at the sky not 20 minutes ago to give you all a fascinating commentary on the yellow (or grey?) cloud going past, and I didn't notice until now that the sky has cleared up!! Woo!

Did you know that aside from the face-tree opposite my window, there's another one. It reminds me of a man's leg. The body is all covered in leaves, but the pranches are all bare. Like on men's legs, they're all hairy, then you get to the foot, and they're alot barer and it's like, WTH?

Just gonna post this now and sit here. I feel like a hobo in this massive hoodie. It's really snuggly warm though, and I watched House in it before. That was funny. A crazy nurse accidentally hid a baby and two of the doctors got locked down in this huge storage room and took drugs. And then House had to be nice to this other guy, because he got stuck in a room with him and he was going to die in a few hours - not House, the other guy.
That's all for now folks!!

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