Sunday 18 April 2010


I think I might have suddenly come on with blindness. Or maybe I'm a vampire. I don't know. Everything just looks strange. Not in an explainable way, just strange. And it's not like I'm suffering from lack of sleep, I got nearly 12 hours in.

Maybe if I shut all the windows and turn the sun off. Everything is kind of bright. I might go and lie down for a bit. Or not. I hate lying down for a bit. I'll end up doing something anayway. Whatever.
What do you do when you think there's something wrong with your eyes but your vision doesn't seem to be affected in any way? I'm not seeing wavy lines, and nothing's gotten darker. If anything, everything's got a little bit brighter. What does that mean? Tell me before I go and freak myself out by looking it up on Wikipedia. Is it terminal?
I had a scarf tied round my eyes before to stop the light getting in, but it kept falling off my face so I took it off. Ah well.
I really shouldn't go looking symptoms up. I got a stitch from running a long way once and started to think I had angina. And when my stomach rumbles I start thinking that the acid is overloading because I haven't created a new layer of mucus to protect myself, and I'm going to get dissolved by my own hydrochloric acid.
I think I will go and lie down for a bit. Bye bye.

Edit: I think I'm alright now. Had a lie down with a blindfold on for 20 minutes. I think I'm ok now. I might go and have some soup or some cheese and crackers.

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