Wednesday 19 May 2010

Sshh, I know what I did

Yeah yeah, I missed another post again. I'm just busy doing stuff. So, I'll fill you in on the Tuesday-Wednesday timezzz . . .

AAARGH I DON'T REMEMBER YESTERDAY MORNING!! Ohhhhh, I remember it now. It was just Physics, nothing interesting. It was something boring about red shift - that's far away galaxies to you, because red is the longest wavelength and that is how the light of far away galaxies appears because it has longer to travel. Aight. (Sorry, I'm listening to Outkast and I'm feeling like a bit of a badman) Anyway, we did that, talked about the volcanic ash - which I thought was in Poland, but it turns out that it's in Iceland - and some other stuff like that.

Then we had English, and for SarahS' benefit, we watched the scary bit of The Woman In Black again. Let me tell you, sitting right at the front when you're watching something on a large projector screen is not a good way to watch scary stuff, especially when you can feel the fear of everyone else in the room. My throat was hoarse from screaming, but lucky, lucky me . . .
We had a Maths test next. As you can probably imagine, I was filled with joy and skipped through the test like a child in a ball pit. No. It was incredibly difficult and they even brought in some stuff about factorising that we hadn't ever been taught, let alone told to revise! So on the ones I didn't know and couldn't work out I did guesses. It's more likely to be right than nothing at all.

At lunch, me, Chloe, Janneka, SarahR and Keiley were sat on the field watching and observing the peoples.

Afternoon we did PE, in which I was amazingly terrible at Tennis again, and then we did Biology, and I was the only person who knew what the Pantheon looked like. And then someone asked if a stone statue was the Pope.

Then last night, me, Mum and Nana went to the Royal Exchange Theatre to see Pygmalion. I thought, rather logically I think, that it was going to be a stage production of the Greek myth. It was My Fair Lady but without singing. It was alright actually, but a bit boring because they just kept doing these really long repetitive conversations, and Eliza Doolittle was quite annoying. But now, Mum and Nana think I have a hat complex because I kept identifying people by their hats.
Afterwards it was like Night of the Living Dead. Old people everywhere, blocking all the steps to get out with their walking sticks. There were four coaches alltogether, devoted entirely to old people, none of which could either walk at a reasonable old person speed or actually move that much.

Today, first period was . . . erm . . . sshh! CHEMISTRY!! That's what it was. We did some boring stuff about biodiesel, and I drew a triffid and a gangsta flower on my 'use biodiesel' poster.

Next was History, and we've started doing my favourite subject, HITLER!! We were doing a worksheet on him using the internet (not Hitler using the internet, we used the internet to find the answers) and I amazed people with my strange knowledge of the little facts already, like that his granddad was Jewish and he had an Alsatian called Blondi, and the Russians thought they had his skull in a museum, but they did some tests and it's actually a woman's skull. Sexton's going on maternity leave soon to have her baby boy - this is good, because she looks like she's about to turn into a supernova and explode. Chloe reckons if she fell over at the right angle, she'd bounce back up again.

In Maths we were on the laptops again, and I kept winning at mini racing, except when it let me get to the finish, stopped my car and kept giving me sums until the other cars got there and then told me I lost. And I got 65% on a level 6 or something online homework about solving equations.

Period four was German, and we got our results back from the end of unit test - I got a 5a. I'm quite pleased. I had to keep explaining what the verb 'machen' was in English, and how to do future tense (time, verb, person, all the rest).

Then my favourite relaxing lesson - Art. I am actually doing proper work in Art you know. The others were doing that thing where you draw lines all over the paper and colour it in different colours in the gaps - though Cameron said his was about the 'paths of life' and was quite keen on the yellow brick road until I explained what the term 'friend of Dorothy' meant. He's very naive sometimes. I'm redrawing DinoShaun (remember him?) except I'm making him Discotastic. For some reason everyone seemed to think he was representing Gay Pride - even though DinoShaun is gay. The rainbow stripes were just a coincidence.

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