Thursday 20 May 2010

It's. So. HOT!!!!!

Seriously. I had a shower the moment I got in today, and I'm dressed like a chav lost in the Sahara Desert.

So, first period was Food Tech, which is always good fun, cuz everyone is nice to eachother. We were making cheesecakes (mine is a very chocolatey one that's downstairs in the fridge right now) and I kept trying to lick my bowls clean. I had to be told three times to do the washing up because I was just trying to furtively eat all the spare stuff I had. I was tempted to drink some of the cream I'd brought. I like cream. I was quite pleased too, because I managed to finish before the end of lesson again, and alot of people said they liked the look of my cake - that was probably because of the chocolate-covered nuts my Mum made that I put on top. and to make it all even better, someone gave me a strawberry (that I ate) I can't remember who it was though, it might have been Janneka or Hannah. Then Cameron let me have strawberry - those ones were very very nice because he shops at Waitrose apparently.

Period two was French, and we had our listening test - it was actually quite easy, even though one of the voices on the recording was just like 'ohghoraaraefofofo ennuyeux'. Tomorrow we have our reading and writing tests. Should be quite easy, but I'm still trying even though I'm dropping it next year.

Period three was English - and no, we didn't watch the scary bed scene though. We watched the end of the film, which involved the main guy burning alot of stuff - including his office. By then we'd already started being paranoid, and shouting out increasingly bizarre places that the Woman in Black would appear from - since we knew she was coming, we'd read the end of the book. When she finally did appear, she was standing there, on the water in the middle of a lake. Then a tree branch dropped onto the main guy and his wife and child in a boat and killed them. It was freaky. I thought she should have appeared in a rowing boat, but rowing so fast toward them that only the oars were touching the water, with the boat just flying over in the air (I saw this in an episode of some cartoon, might have been Tom and Jerry). I can imagine her doing it, and it still cracks me up.

At lunch time, me, Chloe, Janneka, Sarah and then later on, Keiley were chilling out on the field, and I informed Mr Hathaway that the litter they were moaning about was entirely the Year 7s' fault. Which it is actually. I always pick up my litter.

Period four was Maths. More specifically Maths test No. 2, the calculator edition. Actually, though I did miss out some questions because I forgot how to work out the length of a triangle by it's cross-sectional area or something, and I forgot how to do trigonometry at the last minute, I answered alot more questions - and I did maths to answer them, I didn't just guess. And when I was checking through I had a small panic attack when I realised I'd gotten a huge question wrong, but I corrected it. 5 and 6 are very easily mixed up sometimes.
Afterward, Sharp (Head of Maths) kept Set 1 behind - me, Meghann and Zoe thought he was going to say he'd given us the Year 6 set 1 test by accident and we had to do the Year 9 one now. He started off sounding as if it was true, but it wasn't; he just wanted to see if any of us would do helping Year 6 kids with their Maths. I volunteered, even though their Maths stuff still confuses me. Hopefully I should have a good enough overall test mark that, combined with my work through this year, I can stay in Set 1. If Rogers is teaching Set 1 though , I want to move down. He makes me hate maths, but Ferneyhough makes me understand it. Plus Ferneyhough lets us use laptops - and he owes me, Janneka, Aaron and Ismail a prize from last year. I must remind him of that again.

Last lesson was Games. A nice relaxing lesson really, we played Tennis - me, Chloe, Meghann and Keiley. We were doing dissing each other whenever we did something stupid (my best was, 'no, we're on the other side of the net, Keiley' I think) and were only interrupted once when the boys came onto the astro turf with us - the boys normally stay out on the field - and once when Meghann managed to serve the ball onto the netball courts over the fence. That was a fun lesson but boy was it HOT HOT HOT!! Wow it was hot.

Me and Chloe went up to Food Tech to grab our cheesecakes then headed home. I had a nice shower and now I feel nice and clean. I should stop saying nice, shouldn't I?

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