Wednesday 26 May 2010

No More Heroes Any More.

Don't ask me why, that's been going round my head for the last 20 minutes - I think I must be having Ashes to Ashes withdrawal. But after that ending, what if there's another series? No there can't be, I think, now that they've given away the big secret.
On a topic of things that have been going round my head today, I've had Like A Pill by Pink (because somebody mentioned pills) the Harry Potter music and the Indiana Jones theme tune. Strange.

So this morning was Chemistry. We just did some more stuff about vegetable oils - and strangely, the dangers of a high-fat diet. Of course we used it as an excuse to google fat people on the computers.

Period two was . . . HISTORY! Yeah, History, I remember now. Well, since Sexton is going on maternity leave at the end of this week and she won't be back until December or something like that, we went to the ICT suite and finished our Hitler worksheets - or if, like me, you'd already finished them the last time, you googled funny pictures. I also looked up the treatment of women in Nazi Germany and found out about the something-or-other with Junge in it for girls - the girl's Hitler Youth - just to make myself feel clever.

Period three was Maths, but since Ferneyhough is off for some reason, we had this Psychology teacher who I'm assuming normally teaches 6th form. We kept distracting her by asking how psychology worked, and she said what I thought psychology was was right, as opposed to Henry's idea that it was the ability to read minds. I think he had his headphones on too loud for too long.

At lunchtime, me, Chloe and Janneka chilled on the field. SarahR was feeling ill (again) and Keiley was off doing something. It was really cold.

In period four - RS - we did about the Turin Shroud (is that how you spell it? Shall I google it?) and about how people find lots of ways to prove or disprove the existence of God. The Turin Shroud is quite interesting actually, considering that the carbon-dating they did on it said it was made in 1398 or something, when there is alot of evidence to show that whoever faked it knew alot more about Roman crucifixions than everyone else of that time did, and also the churches that the Knights Templar built like 200 years before that, that had pictures of Jesus in that looked exactly like the face on the Turin Shroud. Still, there's no way to prove 100% that it was Jesus, and even if it was him, they can't prove if he was the son of God or not. Muahahahaaa, it's all a bit Da Vinci Code now, isn't it?

Period five was German, and we started our end of year test. Actually, it was kind of easy if you just listened to the tape on the listening test. Reading is kind of easy too, if you don't try to translate it into English and just try to think in German. Or just read it in little chunks.

Yet again, I am not wearing any socks (No More Sockies Any More. No, not literally) but I do happen to have newly-painted, very very dark purple toenails. Getting the sparkly red off took ages, because the nail polish remover just turned the glitter silver and tore bits of cotton off the pad so I looked a bit like a Hobbit until I got it all off.


  1. Fow one moment, I thought you were making an ultgra cool reference to this

  2. no I wasn't, I just had it stuck in my head. Good, you're reading again
