Friday 21 May 2010



So, today, first period was Chemistry. We were in one of the IT suites and were doing our powerpoints on colourings and stuff again. A fly came in, so by order of Cameron, Kwame and Chloe, I had to swat it. It wasn't my most skillful display, but I got it completely in two swats with a french textbook, throwing in a rather vindictive third just to make sure it didn't go getting up again.

Second period was French, and we had our reading and writing test. Fairly easy, apart from Chloe sniffing for about 45 minutes because of her hay fever.

In German we did asking for directions, like
"Gehen Sie uber die Brucke und geradeaus. Dann, Nehmen Sie der ersten links." stuff like that.

During lunch, Me, Chloe, Janneka and SarahR were chilling - no, frying - out on the field. Just talking about stuff, can't really remember what because it was SO SO HOT!! We made some plans to go out in town tomorrow too.

Fourth period was History, and because it was so hot and Sexton has our books so she can mark our assessment pieces, we watched some programme about Hitler. There was a fan in the corner too, one of those stand-up swivelly ones and it was right behind me, so me and my table got a nice breeze for the whole lesson.

In Maths we got our test results back for the first maths test. I didn't do too good generally speaking, but the class average was low because of the question difficulty so I got pretty much alright, 47%. Yeah that's not amazing anyway, but I did what I could, and I think I'll have a better mark on my calculator test. If Rogers is teaching Set 1 next year, I want to move down anyway.

I'm watching Ashes to Ashes now - oooh it's getting juicy!

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