Friday 28 May 2010


We broke up today, for half termmmmmm.

Period 1 wasss ermmmm Geography, and Cameron was twisting Chloe's chair. Chloe didn't mind though, she was high on aspirin and throat-numbing spray.
At break, the sixth formers hid a lion up a tree, and the mean nasty Year 7s found it and ripped it up. I got hold of some of the stuffing, it's in my blazer pocket.
In French we finished checking through our tests and then Crane put on the Incredibles for us. I may be part of a class of 13 and 14 year olds, but we'll watch a little kid's film if you have one. I played hangman with Chloe - she was so out of it she couldn't spell, and I kept guessing hers straight away.
In German we finished our tests and me and Chloe continued our game of hangman. It took her a full hour to get 'Facejacker is waj off four lions' when she only needed the c and the k. I generally did spell-checking for Chloe's words when I got them, like when she forgot two of the As in Australia. Fun times . . .

At lunchtime, me and Chloe hung out with Meghann, Zoe, Rosa, Saskia and Sarah. Me and Sarah and Saskia did Dizzy Dinosaurs (which I think I won) and then me and Chloe did spinning in the spandpit (it's actually this long track filled with snad that we're meant to use for long jump) and Theo, Stefan, Michealand some Samir guy from Year 10 did massive jumps in the sand and fell over each other.
Then Theo ran off after a cat the got through into the field and climbed up a tree where he got stuck and nearly fell. He was alright though.

Period four was music, and I accidentally found out how to get onto the Pakistan version of Google because I was trying to find that Google pacman thing. I gave up though and read the manga version of Battle Royale.

In Maths, Ferneyhough wasn't in and our projector screen wasn't working, so Asim, our cover teacher who normally teaches science, took us into the Geology room where we watched Finding Nemo. I forgot how funny Dory is.

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