Saturday 26 June 2010


You know things are getting bad title-wise when I'm using the bit of a video cover I can see to title my blog posts. At least this one's a word . . . almost. Actually, Notorio sounds like a good Skulduggery Pleasant series name. As well as Omen, Mortabella and Imaginary Friend.

I was actually going to do this post sooner, but I kept forgetting. Still, better late than never right?

I've been sat inside all day like a leper. I feel like one - apart from the fact that my toes are all still attached to my body. I came down with something one Tuesday evening and I felt terrible. Nauseous, tired - and I never get that kind of tired where I have to struggle to stay awake in the bath (I had a bath because I wasn't feeling well, normally it's a shower) - and I felt so so cold and shivery.
I stayed at home the next day, and I slept in the day, which I never do.
I tried to go to school on Thursday, but I was too dizzy to cook in Food Tech so I went home at break.
On Friday I was in school but I felt pretty sick then as well.

I've been at Nana and Granddad's since Friday afternoon, which is very relaxing.
I have a rash on my stomach, and when I showed it to Nana she looked behind my ears and said she thinks I have rubella. Today she printed off the symptoms from the internet, and although self-diagnosis is, of course, not advised, it seems pretty conclusive. Thing is though, I'll have had this for at least two weeks before the symptoms showed up, so any pregnant women I've been near (none I can remember specifically) will be in danger. Plus, I'm still contagious until Tuesday, and my GCSEs are on Monday. Mum's going to phone up the school to see if they'll let me in, but if they don't then I'll probably have to do them when the next set of exams come along, not do them at all or do a double exam with my next module. I don't think they take kindly to having their deliveries delayed.

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