Wednesday 9 June 2010


I'm having an unfaithful phase. I'm kind of bored of blogging - who even reads my blog? Dad, you read it more than anyone and you haven't read it in weeks. Who's going to miss me?

Monday was good. Nobody turned up to teach our Drama lesson, so we tried on all the costumes in the costume cupboard - I dressed up as a dinosaur when we played Dizzy Dinosaurs. Then we played Hokey Cokey and Iqra fell over backwards.
Don't remember the rest of that day except that we had this annoying woman teaching us Physics.

Tuesday I don't remember. I have terrible short term memory.

Today however, I can remember if I really try.
First period was chemistry. Me, Chloe, Cameron, Maham and Iqra were on a table and we had to work out this diagram about oxygen and respiration and stuff, and then I had to go on a table with Ryan, Ismail, Janneka, Georgie and Saskia to explain the sheet. Then each of them told the rest of us the answers to one page of this work booklet we were doing. Georgie said Saskia was a crap teacher and she would have thrown a chair at her, and Saskia just laughed and told her she wasn't strong enough and she would have killed her by now.
Second period was History, and we had this really annoying woman who immediately started shouting at all of us for being rude. She told me off for talking when I had my mouth shut and I was looking at her! She's ruining the Second World War for me, and that's my favourite topic. The only good point in the lesson was Neville Chamberlain's funny voice, as I also had to tell Chloe that you probably need alot of maths to go into medicine. That and unless you're being a chemisty doctor or something, biology is probably quite necessary instead of Rosa's opinion that you need chemistry, but you only need to have biology or physics. If you're going to look after human bodies, you should know how they work, right?
After that was maths, and we're meant to be reorganizing this lunar theme park project thing and going to help the Year 6 kids with it tomorrow - which we girls get to miss because we have House Rounders - but we had the laptops out. We were meant to be in groups with people in our House, so I ended up with Sonny, Zaira and Henry - who immediately started looking up pictures of iPads on google. Then Cameron came over and googled a picture of his cool shoes. And Sharp came in and said something to us that was completely irrelevant, so I don't remember what it was. Something about the most important people in Big P's life. Of course, Sharp didn't call him Big P. Only we who are being oppressed by The Man call him Big P.
It rained at lunch time, but I spent most of my time outside anyway. I can't remember much of lunchtime except that I was angry about something.
In German we got our end of year tests back. I got 90% on mine, which I'm quite pleased with. I just need to work on my writing skills it seems. And someone wrote retard on the table behind us, pointing toward where Chloe was sitting. It wasn't Meghann or Zoe - who sit behind us - because whoever carved it into the table had alot more prowess with the pair of compasses than they do.
In Art, I drew more pictures. I drew Noodle from Gorillaz this time, copying off another picture of her that I'd already drawn a few weeks ago. Cameron asked if he could borrow it, so I ended up making up most of the colours. Henry was finding weird pictures in the sculpture books, and me, Chloe, Meghann, Zoe, Cameron and Henry were discussing Meghann's crazy episode on the ski trip, even though only me, Cameron and Meghann had seen it first hand. I felt it first hand every time she sat on me that night. I think she'd had some Orangina, because I had some and I felt a bit crazy, and I saw two Year 8s holding a bottle of Orangina each, and they were chasing eachother round the pool table like drunks.

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