Tuesday 6 April 2010

Chloe was round.

She was! I promise! We just took her home now - Mum reckons she's nice.
Chloe got round here about 1 pm today, and we wen to watch Spirited Away - like I said before - because she hasn't seen it. I love that film, cos every single time I watch it I see something new.
Then we watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure, and had an elegant ladies' lunch of cheese and crackers and blackberries. Mmm, lovely.
After that, we went up to my room (where I am now) and she showed me her Farmville thingy on facebook. I showed her my blog - I'm still trying to find a good background for it since the one I got for it now doesn't quite work.
Feeling a bit peckish, we went downstairs and Mum put the pizza on. Had a look through some old pictures of me, one of which looks like I'm doing a wee boy -stylee on a palm tree. And looking quite pleased about it, it seems.
So then we took her home, and then we came back home, and now here I am. OMIGOD. I'm at the future!!!
Oh, and for those of you who think I'm purposely following my own blog, I'm not. I don't know why it's like that, and I can't make it stop. And why won't my own brother follow me?
I'm feeling sibling jealousy since SOMEONE (you know who you are *cough* DAD) told me that updating alot is a good thing, when Lily has 10 followers and hasn't updated her blog since JULY. I have 3, and one of them is myself.

And also, I know there is the option of italics or bold to emphasize words, but I like to do capitals. Generally not a good thing in most online forums, since you can get muted for SPAMMING CHAT BY TALKING LIKE THIS, BECAUSE IT'S LIKE SHOUTING AND NOBODY LIKES PEOPLE WHO SHOUT ALL THE TIME. But I get away with it by talking in caps and then just saying sorry for it. Like everyone does. Heheheheh . . .
Not sure what to do now. I might crouch in a corner and worry about my upcoming Japanese ticborne encephalitis injections. :S


  1. Now find other peoples blogs and make meaningful comment. Lily generates followers due to relationships developed amongst mommy Bloggers, But you are right, she needs to do some updates.

  2. She doesn't need to because she doesn't know how to...I need to.

  3. Have you posted on anyone elses blog of late? Have you replied to these comments?
    I am a picky Dad
