Sunday 20 December 2009

Paranormal Activity

Ok, I will try a quick review.
I just watched the new horror sci-fi film everyone is talking about, Paranormal Activity. Putting aside what I should be doing (I'm multitasking dad) I will write a short review for you, just in case you're considering watching it. cuz I'm fussy.
The basic plot is that two young people, Micah and Katie, from San Diego have a . . . problem. Since she was 8, Katie has been followed by something unusual, that followed her to her new family home when the old one was burnt down. Strange things happen to her periodically, and these things have started happening again recently. Her boyfriend Micah decides to film the goings on, which forms the basis of the film. As the weeks go by, you can see them get more and more freaked out. At night, sometimes nothing will happen and soemtimes very very freaky things happen.
It's filmed in a very similar way to the Blair Witch Project, so you only get to see whatever the camera has been left pointing at. Obviously because it's supposedly on a video camera, the quality isn't too good, but apart from the background noise (if you watch this you will know what I mean), the sound really does add to the atmosphere. Because there's alot of daytime stuff, just filler scenes, it's not particularly grabbing, but the scary parts are definitely scary. I don't get scared easily and I admit I was freaked out, so if you have actually gotten scared by horror films before, make sure you have a sofa to hide behind and a nice big light to keep on by your bed after you've finished. Also, don't watch if your house goes bump in the night.
Over all I would say it's around a 3/5. It's definitely a horror film, but the amount of time spent watching Micah and Katie being lovebirds/having arguments kind of makes you want to fall asleep. Unless this is some clever game of theirs. Hmm.

1 comment:

  1. Niec review young lady. As to the filler bits, You need a bit of plot, a bit of ebb and flow to build the bits for the scary stuff
