Saturday 26 December 2009

Looking at Looking for Eric

I just watched it now with my mum, nana and grandad - it's very good, I have to say - even though I hardly know anything about football.
I'm quite pleased that it shows alot of places in Chorlton and Manchester, that they actually filmed it on the right location, that they didn't go to some place that just looks like it. I think it also shows what makes Manchester United fans different from other football fans. Like I just said, I'm not very into football, but Manchester United is a part of my culture. I mean, there's atheists who celebrate Christmas right?
Take, for example, Manchester City. I wouldn't have had much problem with them but the fans I have met have given me reason enough. They are so fickle. If a player is big and is on their team, they love them (take Teves), but if the player doesn't play so well, or -heaven forbid - plays well for another team, then they become a figure of hate, get dragged through the dirt as if the City fans hadn't been begging for a chance to lick their boots not a moment before. United fans aren't like that. Sure, there are alot of people who don't like Carlos Teves anymore, but not just because he went to another team, but because he went for money. He didn't go for his own ambition, to go somewhere because he felt he could improve there - nobody could begrudge him that - but he went to satisfy his own greed. And look at him now . . . if you can. Nobody gets better if they leave United, I know that much.
People say that all United fans come from anywhere but Manchester. Go abroad. If a local to pretty much any country on earth finds out you're from Manchester, have you ever, ever heard them say "are you a City fan?" No. They always say, "are you a United fan?" My point being that all City fans are from Manchester because nowhere else knows who the heck they are!

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm I heard a few Man U fans give Beckham a good hammering when he had the audacity to 'leave' the club??? MCFC ;-)
